B2B Marketing Strategy

6 Learnings from The State of (Dis)Content Report

Jonathan Gandolf

November 18, 2024

6 Learnings from The State of (Dis)Content Report

Ironically, I first met Tommy Walker at a Cocktail Hour in Boston.

Later this month, we’ll release a podcast episode with him as the guest on … The Content Cocktail Hour (like and subscribe!).

We don’t have a drinking problem. We do have a content problem. 

Tommy and The Content Studio dug into that with their most recent report: The State of (Dis)Content

Tommy felt a rising sense of discomfort with content marketers. More than just sitting with it, he wanted to quantify it and help marketers (and marketing teams) take action on fixing it. When he first reached out to me, I remember feeling a weight being lifted from my shoulders. 

"It’s not just me,” I remember thinking. It was a real problem that we were all feeling and finally, somebody would make it real. 

But it’s not an easy process or a light project. To do this right, The Content Studio needed to:

If you’re interested in learning more about the process of creating this content, stay tuned! That’s at the core of our upcoming podcast episode. 

Tommy sent me a draft of the report before it’s release. Admittedly, my first reaction was not good. The report was 200 slides long. There’s no way anybody would want to read 200 slides worth of B2B Content. Alas, I opened the report and started clicking through slides. 

Before I knew it, I was on slide 218, wondering why there wasn’t more?! Along the way, there several data points and themes that caught my attention. These are these are the learnings that were highlighted, scribbled on, dog-eared, and shared with the team. 

My 6 learnings from The State of (Dis)Content Report: 

These are just six data points that stood out to me from the report. I’d encourage you to check it out for yourself. It’s full of data points that can help you build your strategy, lead your team, grow your business, and become a little less (dis)content along the way. 

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