B2B Marketing Strategy

[Event Preview] GTM Partners Emerging Technology Showcase

Jonathan Gandolf

October 23, 2023

[Event Preview] GTM Partners Emerging Technology Showcase

Below is a preview of GTM Partners Emerging Technology Showcase. You can register here. 

Businesses are born out of pain. 

At least, The Juice was. I was continually frustrated that we (B2B Marketers) were on a content creation hamster wheel and no matter how hard we tried, the wheel kept turning and we kept running. 

The way B2B businesses were creating and distributing content didn’t make any sense. Driving our audience to our website and then forcing them through lackluster experiences (forms) didn’t make any sense. So, The Juice was born to imitate how consumers interact with music, video, movies, news, fashion, real estate, and basically everything else in the world. 

A single platform aggregates buyer and seller…creator and consumer. 

And here we are—600+ brands on the platform and nearly 20,000 users. 

This is the case for many entrepreneurs. They face a challenge and frustrated they can’t find a solution, they build it. 

BREAKING: The market has changed rapidly in the last four years. The problems and challenges we are all facing have also changed. 

Businesses are being uniquely built and emerging to solve these unique challenges. So many businesses (I’ll say it: old, slow, expensive, inflexible incumbents) weren’t built to solve this new era of challenges. 

But, there are many emerging businesses built specifically to solve your emerging challenges. 

GTM Partners has highlighted 12 of them

For buyers, this represents a unique arbitrage opportunity (yes, I actually enjoyed my economics classes in college. I know, huge nerd). 

As we all move into 2024 annual planning and budgeting, there are new solutions to your new problems. And oftentimes, “emerging” means we’re all more affordable, faster, and more flexible than old-school incumbents. 

They’re steering cruise ships. We’re whipping around in jet skis. 

And have you ever seen someone having a bad time on a jet ski?! 

I didn’t think so. 

Better yet, you’ll get to take these jet skis for a test drive this Thursday at the showcase

Join GTM Partners, The Juice, and 11 other emerging technologies as we highlight how we can help you during these unprecedented times. 

Much better than my jet ski analogy, GTM Partners is rooted in research. I’ll let them explain this event in their own words: 

“Our research shows sales velocity is slowing down, marketing pipelines are underperforming, and revenue teams are struggling to meet goals. Meanwhile, there are hundreds of new technologies designed to help problems like these, but GTM professionals may not know about them.

This event will highlight 12 companies that are just getting their start in helping change the way we all approach Go-to-Market. 

You will hear from the 12 emerging tech companies themselves, from GTM practitioners, investors and GTM Leaders. 

More than 100 companies applied for inclusion. Our analysts reviewed the submissions, reached out to companies for more information, and validated that use cases were unique and would positively impact a Go-to-Market motion.”

The Juice and some of our friends from sales and martech take the stage at 2:45pm. 

We hope to see you there. 

Onward, upward, and emerging. 

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