It’s a common refrain, “B2B is boring! It should be more like B2C.”
And then we all keep doing the same old shit.
I’m guilty of it but I shouldn’t be. I’ve been both a B2B marketer and a B2C marketer. If anybody is capable of making B2B walk, talk, and act like B2C…it should be me.
We’ve made strides at The Juice. But I’ve still fallen short.
Just earlier this week, we had a customer say, “We want to try weird shit this year.”
Us too.
So now, we’re getting serious about getting weird.
One of the most successful campaigns I ran in the B2C world was a collaboration between the brewery I worked at (shoutout Braxton Brewing Co.) and one of the region’s most loved ice cream brands (shoutout Graeter’s). It was a delicious beer, a fun collaboration, and a lot of out-of-home (OOH) marketing.

You know what B2B doesn’t do? A lot of out-of-home marketing. And I don’t know why.
When done well, it’s creative, memorable, and fun—all of the ingredients B2B needs more of.
That’s why we’re incredibly excited to be partnering with We’re bringing their content on to The Juice and we may be taking The Juice brand out of the digital world and into the physical world.
“BuT JoNAthAN, HoW dO YoU meaSuRE thE ATTriBUtion of A bIlLboARD!?!?”
I don’t know. But OneScreen does. That’s why we’re excited to be partnering with them and sharing their content with you. Their proprietary technology and tracking can help you prove the ROI of OOH without a long-term investment.
So we’re going to get weird and we’re going to measure it.
New to OOH? Their content can help and it can now be followed on The Juice. Check out their recent piece:
🧃 Meet Your 2024 Marketing Goals with OOH

We’re going to get weird. We’re going measure it. And maybe we’ll even see you out there in 2024.
Bring The Juice,
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