Podcast Episode

Modern Day Marketer: Building a Modern Day SaaS Brand with Emir Atli of HockeyStack 

Brett McGrath

September 15, 2023

Modern Day Marketer: Building a Modern Day SaaS Brand with Emir Atli of HockeyStack 

We are bookending your week, every week with a couple of podcast episodes that we hope can provide insights on how to be a better marketer, sales pro, or operator in your B2B company.

Earlier this week we dropped our latest piece of exclusive content from data that we’re uncovering on The Juice. We took a look at how reports were performing on the platform and the types of reports that had the highest performance. 

We’ll be pairing an exclusive data driven episode of Modern Day Marketer with analysis that you can find in The Juice. If you aren’t already a member you can gain access to the largest library of B2B marketing and sales resources on the planet by signing up for free today.


It’s getting more and more challenging for B2B SaaS brands in the marketing space to break through. There’s a myriad of new companies that get created every week and new categories get created as a side effect. People call B2B marketing boring because most everyone is running the same playbook which leads us all wondering how do we help our brand breakthrough? 

Emir Atli is the Co-founder and CRO of HockeyStack, a rapidly growing company that’s standing out from competition in a crowded space. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t see someone from HockeyStack show up in my feed and I wanted to learn more about the strategy that they were using to earn attention. I learned that it’s a mix of being dedicated to one channel, having great positioning, and embedding product feedback loops early and often. 

In this episode we cover: 

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