A weird thing happened a little over 12 months ago.
ChatGPT launched.
That’s not the weird thing. I mean, looking back on it, very weird and new. But the weird thing to us at The Juice was that very little changed on our platform.
We kept watching and expecting content about artificial intelligence to trend. It seemed as though every person and every business with a blog was publishing posts titled:
“What Generative AI means for (insert their industry here).”
Tons and tons of articles about the future of industries being drastically changed by AI.
And yet, nothing really changed on our platform. Artificial intelligence was no more popular as a topic than before the launch of ChatGPT.
Then, 3-4 months into the Generative AI journey, that all changed.
With all of the pontificating behind us, the tone of content about AI changed. Now, the content was:
“How to use AI for (insert their industry here).”
And now, Artificial Intelligence quickly started trending on our platform. It’s now the fourth most followed topic on our entire platform.
Since seeing this spike, we’ve noticed this trend across all content on our platform. Content that teaches your audience is unequivocally the most engaging. Templates and toolkits outperform any other content format by a factor of 3.
If I may get on my soapbox…
We, as marketers (myself included), love talking about and speculating on the latest trends and topics. It’s fun, it’s exciting, it’s edgy. But…it’s not what our audience wants.
B2B readers aren’t excited by trends. They are reading content because they have an acute pain or question they need to be answered. Quite simply, they want to be better at their job. And this leads me to the most common coaching I share with our customers…
Give away what you know. Help your audience be better at the basics. That’s what they want from your content. That might not be the sexiest content, but it will be the most popular, and we have the data to prove it.
So now what? We’ve been talking about Generative AI for the last 12 months now. The common theme has been how to use it for content creation. And this is incredibly helpful.
But now, it’s time to go beyond generating content. It’s time to use AI to create strategy.
That’s what we’re talking to 3 experts about on March 7th:
🧃 Beyond Generation: How to Build SEO Strategy with AI

We’ve previewed the topic with these speakers and it’s already made me better at my job. I hope you can join us as we help you be better at the basics.
Bring The Juice,
Helpful Content from The Week:

🧃 What to Put On The Homepage of Your Website: The Must-Have List
From: Simple Strat
You only get one chance to make a strong first impression, and that extends to websites too. Is your homepage optimized for results?

From: RevGenius
Stay ahead of the game with the essential trends to watch for in 2024. While buzzwords like AI, automation, and synergy dominate Linkedin, it's important to dig deeper and unpack what they really mean for your everyday work. That's why we've brought together four RevOps leaders who not only share the trends but also provide actionable strategies to align with them.

🧃 Gamification Examples: How to Engage, Motivate, and Succeed
From: Jebbit
Want a new and fun way to engage your users and customers? Try adding game elements to your marketing. Check out these gamification examples to get started!

🧃 Snackable Content for B2B Events: What It Is and Winning Recipes
From: Goldcast
Ready to create the kind of snackable content that transforms passive window shoppers into raving fans? Here's how to unite your events strategy with your snackable content strategy for best results.