To Gate or Ungate that is the question…
We debate the decision to gate our content or not internally. These conversations spill over in Slack communities, the DMs, and LinkedIn. I’ve never met a marketer who didn’t have a strong opinion on gating or not content, but I'm not sure I’ve ever seen good evidence to back it up. A few months ago, we released The State of the B2B Podcast Listener report using data from The Juice to answer the question What do consumers really want from a branded podcast? We received a ton of great feedback from these reports and decided to double down on the process, but this time attack the great gating debate!
Is premium gated content really the most engaging content?
We created The State of Gated vs. Ungated Content Report by analyzing 300k+ pieces of content on The Juice to understand if the content that you’re gating is actually more engaging than the content that is being given away without barriers.
Today, we share The State of Gated vs. Ungated Content Report.

In this report you’ll understand:
- The primary factors that make up the data set of gated vs. ungated content
- The impact on content consumers when all content is ungated
- The positive or negative impact on brands when all content is ungated
I want to thank our friends at Tourial for their sponsorship of The State of Gated vs. Ungated Content Report. We hope that you enjoy it and use the data to give your audience the content experience that they want.
If you’re struggling talking about the decision to gate or ungate your content with your boss, boss’ boss, investor, or board I’d encourage you to share the report and let REAL DATA drive the conversation. 🧃