What is a modern day marketer?
I’ve been exploring this question for the last 18 months. It took a couple weeks of being back marketing to marketers when I realized that a tremendous shift was taking place. The change wasn’t widespread. I started to notice it in Slack communities, Twitter threads, and 15 minute Zoom calls I was organizing with marketers that I was meeting for the first time. There was a different tenor coming from a specific segment of B2B marketers. I quickly realized it was something that was worth the investigation. I knew that spending time listening online, having conversations, and synthesizing what I was learning would lead to a couple of really important developments with how I operated at The Juice.
- It gave me direction for the content that we were building and helped me streamline it through these voices
- It gave me information that I could share with growth, customer success, sales, and product
We’ve given a definition to the modern day marketer, started a show for the Modern Day Marketer, and are curating content for the Modern Day Marketer in our weekly newsletter The Blend. Creating content for the modern day marketer allows us to share ideas, experiments, and strategies that are proving to be the catalyst for the right kind of change in B2B right now.
Consequently, it reminds us that manufactured, volume based strategies like content syndication just don’t cut it anymore. The transactional nature of these programs prioritizes the interest of our KPIs over the experience of our audience. Modern day marketers are able to run laps around the status quo and reach their next customer by embracing modern strategies like content distribution.
We have a strong understanding for who we are communicating with and who we are building for. We’ve defined her traits and consistently have conversations internally for how we can help grow the audience-first, experience focused, long game playing marketer through the product that we are building. It’s one of those moments where you have to make a decision. It’s either the easy path and continuing to contribute to the problem or taking the tougher road and building a product that helps push the conversation forward. I’m really glad the team at The Juice is up for the challenge because it makes announcements like today more exciting and impactful to the stakeholders that we serve.
Today, we offer an alternative to the outputs that transactional marketing delivers. It’s an opportunity to shut down that out-of-date content syndication program that returns bad leads that wastes your sales team’s time. It’s a chance to opt-in to a new way around distribution, content matching, and insights that help you make decisions in a more modern way.
Today, Intent Signals have arrived. 🧃
Modern Day Marketing with Intent Signals

New to The Juice?
The Juice is the content curation platform for B2B marketing and sales professionals, and the distribution channel for brands who want to reach them.
At The Juice we equip brands with smarter distribution, faster growth, and actionable data.
Today, we launched Intent Signals to help modern day marketers like you:
- See what content is resonating with your ideal customers
- Gather snapshots of real-time engagement
- Access qualitative insights from the dream accounts your sales team is trying to reach

How does it work?
Our vision has always been about getting great content in front of the right audience at the right time.
The Juice has created win-win relationships for content marketers and B2B professionals. We have nearly 6,000 and growing sales and marketing professionals engaging with and looking for high-quality content on our platform. For marketers, this means we’re your match-maker. You chose the content you want to feature. You choose the audience you want to see. We deliver the data. You can access this data in the Juice or easily integrate with your CRM.

There’s been a tremendous amount of change around data over the last year. The release of Intent Signals presents the opportunity for us to share our point of view on how we gather data and how it is used on The Juice. We are highly focused on the consent of our members. We use a zero party data approach to gather information during onboarding to create a high quality experience matching our members with your brand’s content. We took to our podcast this week to share our point of view on platform data and how it impacts members and brands.
We’ve done enough market research to understand that low-quality, pay to play content syndication programs aren’t the way anymore (were they ever?). These programs allow old school B2B marketers to check the quantity-based vanity metrics box, but can create long-lasting brand damage and an erosion of trust with your sales team.
The new way is to focus on quality over quantity. It’s about unlocking data points that you can take to your sales team and have a conversation about. It’s not about taking that information and leaving. It’s about using it to identify a plant to collaborate together to deliver a great experience for your future customer on the other end.
Actionable data can break silos internally. When the data is actionable revenue teams begin to plan and collaborate more effectively. This results in a better experience for the people who they are looking to reach. Also, actionable data can help inform a modern day marketer’s content strategy.
I’m not sure I’ve met another marketer as focused on using data to create high quality experiences than Elizabeth Irvine, Vice President of Marketing at MarketMuse. I had her on the podcast a couple of months ago to discuss how they were using data to create personalized experiences for their audience. I learned about how they were using solutions like Mutiny to create a more personalized website experience for their visitors. They are doubling down on all things personalization by using what they are learning from their Intent Signals on The Juice to create more personalized content experiences, too.

I reached out to Elizabeth for some social proof for this launch and she came back with this quote. Honestly, it stopped me in my tracks. Intent Signals are so powerful that modern day marketers like Elizabeth are using it to CREATE new content for persona matches on The Juice…how’s that for actionable data?
We are drinking our own juice, too! I distribute every piece of content I produce on The Juice to gain additional insight on performance. The sales team at The Juice are using Intent Signals to better inform how they more effectively communicate with future customers. Customer success uses Intent Signals data to communicate with our customers about what’s resonating with their ICP on The Juice. Intent Signals delivers data that’s more than just a bunch of generic information from someone who opened an email that was forced in their inbox from a content syndication provider. Intent Signals are the interactions with your content that you knew were happening, but never had visibility into until today.
Interested in seeing your brand’s Intent Signals?
In the next 2 weeks we are sharing previews of Intent Signals and gathering feedback.
It takes two easy steps:
- Sign up to become a member on The Juice…it’s free!
- See pricing to figure out which package is best for you and either sign up or talk to our team!
We look forward to you exploring a new adventure on the road to modern day marketing.
Want to learn more about how content is being used to level up sales outreach? Register for our next webinar, “How to Align Your Sales and Marketing Team Around Modern Data” with Guru and Sales Assembly 🧃